Datamex Technologies Inc. is an organization well into its 47th year of operation. Over the years, we have been strategically positioned to deliver a family of new and innovative technologies that are complementary in nature. We have fostered and forged strong relationships with our customers as a result of our commitment to inform, educate, allow for "proof of concept", assist in product implementation, and provide the necessary on-going equipment maintenance and technical services.
Our employees have more desire, determination and resolve to ensure that we conduct our business in a manner that best serve the interest of our clients. They are engaged to provide the necessary technologies and services that allow our prospects and customers to make informed IT purchase decisions.
Our corporate stability, industry insights and market vision enable us to establish business partnerships with our suppliers. We are uniquely viewed as a valued extension of their respective organizations as a result of the contributions we have made toward their business development and success.
We offer our customers a comprehensive array of Technical Support and Professional Service programs which have been designed to meet their equipment maintenance, educational and consulting requirements. With our on-going commitment to continually enhance our technical position as we bring technological innovation to the marketplace, our clients can be assured that competent, experienced, and responsive services will always be available.
" T h e V i s i o n to E m b r a c e I n n o v a t i o n "